March 8
Northside Voices

I’m running for City Council Ward 5 to join my neighbors in collectively imagining a Northside where working class people can thrive and build wealth, where our air, homes and youth are safe, where we can achieve our goals with the collaboration of city leaders who recognize both our needs and our strengths. And I’m in it not just to imagine that place, but to partner together to build it. 


March 3
Let's Dream 

So what is this campaign about?Well for one, I come to this moment with a lifetime of mixing art, education, and organizing. I’d like to kick off my first blog with a bit more than your usual first message - with some dreaming about what can be.
I know that a lot of us are feeling extremely discouraged. Questioning everything. Feeling despair and rage. But here’s what’s running in a loop in my head: to be in a constant state of resistance is to be in a constant state of dreaming, because it’s the dreaming -- imagining the world that we want for ourselves, for our neighbors, and for our families -- that fuels our drive to resist.