Things Jeremiah gets asked often

What are we doing about housing?

What are we doing about Jobs?

How are we keeping each other safe?

How are we cleaning up the northside?

1. Why should I vote for Jeremiah Ellison?

Jeremiah knows that good policymaking is community making. With his commitment to creative governance, he's focused on improving lives and offering unique solutions to unique problems. Your support allows him to continue prioritizing affordable housing, community safety, business growth, and environmental justice in North Minneapolis.

2. If elected, how does he plan to interact with and receive the views of all your constituents? With what regularity?

Over his 5 years in office, Jeremiah has maintained weekly open office hours and partnered with community organizations and faith institutions to co-host meetings on Northside topics. He also holds quarterly Peoples' Assemblies/Town Halls. While acknowledging that Northsiders have busy lives, these efforts provide a solid foundation for a robust Ward 5 voice on local issues and demonstrate his commitment to being accessible and responsive to the needs of the community and serve his constituents.

3. How will he improve community safety?

Jeremiah has been a supporter of community safety initiatives Including the founding of the Office of Violence Prevention in 2018 (now called Office of Neighborhood Safety). He will continue to support investments into the 911 call center's expanding network, including Behavioral Health Response, and pursue intergovernmental collaborations. This method of collaboration between the City and the Attorney General's office has eliminated violence on Lyndale and West Broadway.

4. What is Jeremiah's plan for affordable housing?

Since 2018, Jeremiah has led at city hall to make affordable housing funding a significant priority, and has worked to get hundreds of affordable units built on the Northside. Jeremiah has gotten more funding for perpetually affordable home ownership than anyone in the history of the city, that means the city is subsidizing home ownership in a way that allows people to build generational wealth and have access to home ownership.This has been achieved through the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, as well as other means such as the 4d Tax Incentive for affordable housing. Jeremiah remains committed to exploring and implementing various ways to ensure that every Northsider has a home they can afford and dignified housing.

5. What is being done to support local businesses and Economic Development?

Jeremiah has addressed the Northside’s local businesses' historical denial of access to capital by creating the Commercial Property Development Fund (CPDF), promoting local ownership and boosting Black and Brown ownership of commercial space. He's committed to investing more in this fund and supporting a skilled local workforce, an environment that attracts patrons, and supporting funding for business technical assistance programs (BTAP). These initiatives reflect Jeremiah's multifaceted approach to nurturing and empowering Northside businesses.He has been fighting to bring clean manufacturing into the Northside, such as Modular home factories and Solar Panel Installation facilities - this creates career pathways for Northside Residents and equip the community to participate in the innovative field of green energy.

6. How does Jeremiah plan to address environmental concerns?

Jeremiah has quadrupled the city's efforts to remove toxic lead from homes through led remediation, safeguarding the health of the community. He was instrumental in working with community leaders to get Northern Metals shut down ahead of schedule and , has been preventing the expansion of polluting manufacturing in Minneapolis. These actions reflect his commitment to protecting the air, water, and land in the area and ensuring that environmental hazards do not disproportionately affect Northside residents.

7. What has Jeremiah accomplished so far?

  • Affordable Housing: Worked to build hundreds of affordable units through the Affordable Housing Trust Fund and other programs like the 4d Tax Incentive.

  • Community Safety: Supported the expansion of 911 services, Behavioral Health Response, and the Office of Neighborhood Safety. Collaborated with the Attorney General's office to address violence on Lyndale and West Broadway.

  • Economic Development: Created the Commercial Property Development Fund (CPDF), supporting Black and Brown ownership of commercial space, and advocated for enhanced business support through BTAP.

  • Environmental Justice: Quadrupled the efforts to remove toxic lead from homes and prevented the expansion of polluting manufacturing in Minneapolis.

  • Constituent Engagement: Institutes weekly open office hours, hosts/co-hosts community meetings, and holds quarterly Peoples' Assemblies/Townhalls.

8. How can I support Jeremiah's re-election campaign?

  • Donate to the campaign.

  • Volunteer for the campaign.

  • Early vote for Jeremiah on Sept. 22nd 

  • Spread the word about the campaign.